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展览发生场·中巴文化对话 |巴西战舞简史

█ 讲座内容简介:



在这次讲座中,大家会了解到Capoeira历史演变的来龙去脉,并认识表演中常见的乐器。为了让大家的体验更加真实,[Capoeira Mandinga北京组]将在讲座后为大家进行战舞表演。

Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art usually seen by many as a dance. Anyone watching a capoeira game for the first time will see it as a fight at the beginning, but one cannot deny that, after a few minutes listening to the music coming from berimbau and other musical instruments used in capoeira games, their feet start stomping to the rhythm of the music. Martial art and dance are the impressions one might have when having their first contact with capoeira. That’s is the reason why capoeira in Chinese is translated as 巴西战舞. However, capoeira is much more than these both put together. Capoeira is deeply rooted to the history and culture of a country. The history of capoeira goes back to Brazil as a colony and it has survived and developed not only among Brazilians but also abroad. Back then it was used by the slaves as a way of protecting themselves from their feudal owners aggression and maltreatment. It was forbidden and its practice considered a crime for years. Nowadays it is a common practice in Brazilian schools. The main idea of this talk is to present capoeira history and its changes as well as to introduce some of its musical instruments. 

To make the experience a more real one so people can have a better understanding of capoeira, a performance will be made by the group Capoeira Mandinga Beijing after the talks. 

█ 主讲人:

Tarsila Borges 教授来自巴西,目前任教育北京大学,专注葡语教学十余年。她认为Capoeira(巴西战舞)贯通着巴西的语言、历史和文化,是学习葡语的过程中最完备的工具之一。


黄蓉 Nora / Capoeira name: Habilidosa北京曼丁加巴西战舞学院营运经理,也是巴西战舞资深爱好者,跟随Capoeira Mandinga 流派练习至今,她每年都会跟随战舞大师学习进修,并在实践中步形成了自己独特的教学风格。

“Capoeira is a fight for dancers. It is a dance for gladiators. It is a duel between pals. It is a game, a dance, a struggle, a perfect mixture of strength and rhythm, poetry and agility. The only one where music and singing command the movements. The submission of force to rhythm. Of violence to melody. Sublimation of antagonisms.

In Capoeira the opponents are not enemies, they are comrades. They don’t fight, they pretend to fight. In a very ingenuous way they try to give an artistic view of combat. Above the spirit of competition there is a sense of beauty.

The Capoeira player is an artist and an athlete, a player and a poet.”

– Dias Gomes, 1960

█ 关于中巴文化对话


“The culture dialogue between China and Brazil” is a public education program series devised by Beijing Minsheng Art Museum and the Peking University Brazil Cultural Center. This project has its origins in the exhibition TROPOSPHERE—Chinese and Brazilian Contemporary Art, and is planned to continue for a half year, inviting high level Brazilian guests and Chinese figures related to Brazil to engage in a series of activities relating to art, literature, film, cultural research ,international politics and social science from multiple perspectives and angles, and to hold lectures, cultural workshops, performances and film screenings aimed at presenting the history and present of Brazil to the public in an open and systematic way that places the value and uniqueness of the country in clear perspective. “The Culture dialogue between China and Brazil” is an extension and expansion of TROPOSPHERE—Chinese and Brazilian Contemporary Art, and a cultural platform for fostering understanding of Brazil among the Chinese public.



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