遇见武舞者 · 通过战舞看巴西
Capoeira 音译为卡波耶拉
Capoeira, transliteration as 卡波耶拉, as be translated as 巴西战舞, it is a fight art for dancer, especially when people practice, there is always music. People might think it is a new dance for the first time.
Capoeira originated in Brazil during the Portuguese colonial period. At that time, African slaves were oppressed and abused by slave owners, so they developed this kind of dance-looking martial art, they were able to practice under slave oners’ watch. People who practice capoeira are called Capoeirista. Capoeira was once banned by the Brazilian government and turned underground. It was finally lifted the ban of Capoeira in 1930 and is now one of Brazil's national skills.
北京民生现代美术馆此次携手北京巴西战舞、巴西驻华大使馆举办巴西战舞夏令营是为了推广巴西重要的文化符号之一 — 巴西战舞。这并不是美术馆和北京巴西战舞第一次合作,早在2017年,在美术馆与北京大学共同展开的“对流-中巴文化对话“的公共教育项目中就有合作并展开了巴西战舞简史介绍的工作坊。此次再度联手,可以说是中巴文化对话的延申。
This Capoeira Summer Camp is host by Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Beijing Capoeira, and Embassy of Brazil, to promote one of the most important Brazilian cultural symbols – Capoeira. It is not the first time that Beijing Minsheng Art Museum collaborate with Beijing Capoeira. Earlier in 2017, they have held a workshop to introduce Capoeira in “The culture dialogue between China and Brazil” , a public education program series devised by Beijing Minsheng Art Museum and the Peking University Brazil Cultural Center.
Tord 土豆(Monitor Senero)
Lucas Belga (Monitor Caverna)
Lucas Belga 现居中国四川,一位来自巴西贝洛奥里藏特的年轻巴西战舞武舞者。2004年前后,十二三岁大的Lucas跟随哥哥的脚步训练开始训练巴西战舞。到现在已经有17年的巴西战舞练习和教学经验。他认为巴西战舞是一种自我提升,自我表达,是自由和打破文化壁垒的工具。也是一种强身健体,锻炼身体协调性和动能性的一种运动。